JFA saddened by death of former President Brian Ahier
The Jersey Football Association is deeply saddened to learn that former JFA President Brian Ahier has passed away.
Mr Ahier, an Honorary Life President, was the head of the organisation from 1994-2000. He also held senior roles at St Paul's Football Club, where he was a former Treasurer, Secretary and President.
A minute of silence will be held before Wednesday night's Charity Cup group game between St Paul's and Trinity.
"His knowledge of the local game was tremendous and his work throughout his time in local football should never be forgotten or underestimated," said Charlie Tostevin, JFA Hon. Life President.
"I first met Brian through refereeing and then took over from him as JFA Secretary in 1988 and then as President when Brian retired as in 2000. Throughout this time he was like a mentor and became a very good friend. His work in football was immense and he was one of our top referees. He ran the JFA Fun Weeks for many, many years and was a very well respected member on the Inter-Insular Committee and held in high esteem by everyone in local football and from the other Channel Islands."
According to the notice in the Jersey Evening Post, Mr Ahier's funeral service will be held at the Crematorium Chapel, Westmount Road, St Helier on Wednesday 21st August at 1.30pm. Family flowers only. Donations in lieu of flowers may be sent to the Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled.
Photo credit: Jersey Evening Post