JTC Wanderers

Female Local Football Clubs

JTC Jersey Wanderers

Jersey Wanderers

Mondays 6pm-7.15pm for girls in school years 5, 6, 7 and 8

Wednesdays 6pm-7.15pm for girls in school years 9 and 10

At Les Quennevais School Football Pitch 3G/ Jersey Wanderers Training Pitch.

Contact: jwfcgirls@hotmail.com

st lawrence

St Lawrence

Saturday Springfield Stadium

School Years 4 & 5 – 10.00-11.00am
School Years 6 & 7 – 11.15-12.15pm
School Years 8, 9 & 10 – 11.15 – 12.15pm

Contact: alli.burton@stlawrencefc.com / academy.director@stlawrencefc.co.uk


Rozel Rovers

Saturday mornings at Rozel Rovers Football Pitch 

School Years 5 & 6 – 11.30-12.10pm
School Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 – 10.15-11.15am 

Contact: rozelroversgirls@gmail.com


St Ouen

Saturday afternoons 12:30-1:30PM at St. Mary’s School

Contact: STOuenFCGirls@hotmail.com